The title kind of says it all. What does ESEE not make that you wish they would? I liked the old RAT packs, very convenient for a truck first aid kit. ESEE polo shirts would be nice. I work in an office, so I'd certainly wear one with the logo.
With a cutout of Nicaragua in the blade. Also, infant onesies would be pretty cool. I'd buy some. A baby wearing a black shirt with skull and crossed machetes and "Death to Whiners" would be advertising.
Hopefully it completely dissolves. So you have to buy another one. No one gets rich selling stuff that doesn't break.
Good idea. It should dissolve after opening 4 beers. After 4 beers no one can remember where they put anything anyway, they will just guess they lost the opener and buy another.
I would buy an ESEE folding saw like a Bahco but with aluminum liners and canvass micarta scales. While I'm dreaming I will also add an ESEE Hawk / Hatchet to the want list.