As some of you may know, my son Madden had his second heart reconstruction surgery this past May and this was our first long day hike since recovery. We did a 3 mile loop on the Chattahoochee. This kid never ceases to amaze me!
Awesome! I'm so glad he's doing well! How's the Iron Man doll holding up? Looks like he may need a Hulk and Captain America to go with it. Maybe I'll start on those this weekend.
He loves Iron Man! I was just telling Jonny yesterday he still has it on his bed every day. He would be the happiest 5 year old in the world if he had a Hulk and Cap to go along with IM, so don't tease
No teasing here. That kid has been through a lot. It would be my pleasure to bring another smile to his face.
Cool stuff, great to see Madden do so well. I hope Madden got you away from the Hulk long enough to let you handle his sharps
That is outstanding Brother. He is looking healthy and strong as ever. Won't be long until he is carrying you around.
I had no idea of his health issues. So glad he is recovering well and you guys are out in the wild making awesome memories.
Glad to hear he's doing well. Kids are amazing at bouncing back. Our little one has been through 3 hip surgeries so I have a little bit of an idea how rough it can be on everyone. My prayers are with you and your family.