@ASH I have always had good luck with cardboard targets. Not my pics but the below are a good example. If you don't have enough cardboard you can always raid the box piles at S@ms or C@stco.
Sanlida 45# 58" eagle x9 $100 and 28# 62" noble x8 $80. The x8 seems to be the same bow as a samick Sage. It has a slightly slimmer grip that I prefer over the x9. Other than the grip, I like the x9 better. I like the limb attachment better on the x9. The x9 uses Allen bolts vs thumb screws and it has alignment dowels vs the plastic guides, it also has silencing pads under the limbs. The x8 shoots perfectly fine, I couldn't really tell it from the x9 other than the draw weight. But having the 2 side by side, I just like the x9 design better.
Sanlida includes some decent accessories, everything is usable. I liked the hip quiver enough to make a leather quiver modelled after it. The hip quiver, finger tab and sight came with the x8. The back quiver, glove and arm protector came with the x9. They both came with stringer tools. I added some dye to my pocket quiver, I used saddle tan in a refillable marker. I dyed the hip quiver with dark brown.
Playing with some bows, strings and the chronograph today. String jig in use. Old Indian Seneca 45#, with fishing line string. 30# York cadet with fishing line string. 35# York cadet with fishing line string. 28# sanlida x8 with b55 Flemish string.
I went inside to swap out bows and laid my tab on the coffee table. I came back out of the back room and couldn't find the tab. It was in a dog's mouth. So I had to make a couple more after burying the dog. Now back to the chronograph. Sanlida x9 45# with factory continuous loop string. X9 45# with fishing line string. And last x9 45# with b55 Flemish string.
I changed to a split finger hold, mainly because I never found an anchor that I like with 3 under. So I was working finding an anchor and shot a Robinhood.
My best string job yet. I finally got some b-55 and used it. I messed up and made the first string too short. I set my peg to the hole marked for the length string that I wanted, but the numbers are actually marked for bow length.
Freaking great stuff here. I don't know how I've missed this for so long. I got some reading to do! Thanks for sharing everybody.
I have a 55# maybe 50? samick journey I want to trade down in limbs to a 45 maybe even 40. Hunting weight is 35 here. But 40 or 45 with wicked broadheads are proven. Anyone have anything?
My girlfriend wanted a left hand bow to exercise her other shoulder. I ordered us a 25# Black Hunter horse bow, since they are ambidextrous. It shot way left with our arrows, I couldn't really hit anything. I hit the top left of the block target by aiming at the bottom right. I broke out some rasp and the Dremel tool today. I made some kydex arrow rests/knuckle guards and covered it all with leather. It shoots pretty well now.
New addition to the range. It's 48x44, six layers of .55" foam board, with 1/2" OSB on back. I wanted 2" foam board, but this was all I could find. I set it up at 20 yards in the pond. It makes a nice thump when you hit it. Orange won.
I got some new arrows that I am trying out. I was having trajectory problems with the heavy arrows that I have. They just hit too low at 20 yards. I think these arrows are slightly light with 100gn points. They shoot a lot flatter out of my 30# bow, but I feel a little vibration now.
New to me Baltic Bows 62", 37# long bow. It was a eBay find, so I don't know many details. I think that's purple heart in the riser and the belly under clear glass. It's definitely a shooter.