Fortunate to do some shift work over on this little island with cool logging history. Takes 3 ferrys and alot of KMs to get to here from the mainland and it's worth every minute of the 10 hour travel. Staying at a small hotel right outside Kw'as 'park' as it's called. I'll try to get some daily pictures. Woke up to some serious downpours today should be fun.
Having huge issues with signal and reception with a massive storm that's rolled in. I'll add pics and a write up when I'm able. Here's my jobsite from yesterday
I can only imagine how wild it must be weather wise there right now..... it's insane here on the Mainland Coast - severe rain,sunshine, 18-20 deg C , blown out creeks / streams. one creek I normally walk across and just get my soles wet, is waist deep with raging fast snowpack melt & heavy rain
Slightly wet. I've been making shelters in the vaults with tarps and deliniator road cones like a little fox hole
More random shots from the work day. I have tons of bush pictures but it takes extremely long to upload each one so I'll just keep the trip reports for when I'm back
Strolled into kw'as "park" heading towards the old logging area to find some remaining old growths/second growths and the 1920s steam donkey that blew up leaving them behind. Made it to a nice summit above Hague lake as the sun was falling and the wolves came out and started talking to me. Was super cool how fast they responded when I howled at them. Found lots of cool old spring board notched tree stumps andbfinally the old steam donkey with the remaining log jam still sitting in the lake not far
Made friends with the local panther, and checked out some of the cool builds people are working on and took a drive to the other general store on the other side of the island. Takes maybe an hour to drive the loop around the whole thing
Back in the bush to check out the donkey and float . Everything was logged by hand with spring boards .
And then after a week started the 3 ferry 12 hour journey home . Got vip right at the top deck front of the ship on the main boat home. Made for some beautiful views.
Lucked out and got to commute on the 2 most beautiful sunny days finally back home to the family and very excited hound