Wildlife photography

Discussion in 'Survival and Wilderness Skills' started by Strigidae, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. Adventurer

    Adventurer Member

    Bear cub from our trip to the Smoky Mountains a few years back...

    DSC00727.JPG DSC00725.JPG

    DYSPHORIC JOY Administrator Staff Member

  3. IW17

    IW17 Member

    Damn! Look at those spurs!
  4. Hammer

    Hammer Member

    I have to say, much like the coyote and the raven (and a few other species), the raccoon is a pretty amazing animal if you take a step back and strip away the negative associations we tend to fling at it. I have great respect for animals that are highly adaptive, creative, survivors. I'm not sure why we fault other species for those qualities, but I think it says a lot more about us than it does about them.
  5. Bushman5

    Bushman5 Member

    yea raccoons are pretty neat. If you recall i did have a run in at the Ex-GF's rental house a few years back with a family of extremely snarly aggressive racoon's. Bear sprayed them when they attacked us and they still wanted to fight.

    and other times I have hand fed the lil trash thieves and scratched them on the back of the head.......

    very crafty animals.
  6. I had a pet raccoon for about 4 or 5 years before he got too aggressive. We took him for a 5 mile drive and dropped him off at some woods. He came back but got the hint because he never came up to us again. He would just wait until night and steal veggies off the porch lol. He crawled up in the barn attic and died a year or so later. Didnt find him until July...it was nasty
  7. Switchblade

    Switchblade Member

  8. IW17

    IW17 Member

  9. Bushman5

    Bushman5 Member

    The Marsh Gorilla likes this.
  10. Strigidae

    Strigidae Administrator Staff Member

    Kind of looks like a possum.
    The Marsh Gorilla and IW17 like this.
  11. IW17

    IW17 Member

    Strig for the win! :D
    The Marsh Gorilla and Strigidae like this.
  12. IW17

    IW17 Member

    These little guys have been everywhere. Third one in two days in broad daylight. IMG_20190319_151818.jpg IMG_20190319_151826.jpg
  13. anrkst6973

    anrkst6973 Member


    Nanner ears likes to wander into the yard and graze, drives the dog crazy. :)
  14. Nanner ears ?
  15. anrkst6973

    anrkst6973 Member

    Banana peel ears. Big furry scoops sticking out the side that are like radar dishes looking for the the slightest sound. ;)
  16. Strigidae

    Strigidae Administrator Staff Member

  17. And the fish weren’t even biting. I guess that didn’t matter to him.
    Strigidae and The Marsh Gorilla like this.
  18. Paycheck

    Paycheck Member

  19. Strigidae

    Strigidae Administrator Staff Member

    Nature is art. Yall proved it.
    The Marsh Gorilla likes this.

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